If you think there is only one way to read a book or an article, then you have a lot to learn about reading. Following someone else's prescription for how to read a book or an article isn't going to get you very far unless you are someone else. I wouldn't even have an AA degree if I did that, let alone get through all of my science and general ed classes. I entered community college with an eighth grade reading and writing level, I have since then developed a high reading capacity and my friends and family can vouch for the fact that my reading methods are anything but ordinary. I am going to share some of my own reading strategies as they maybe the very unorthodox ideas some of you need. And if they don't work for you at least you have more ways to look at reading than before.
OK now for my tips.
- Start by reading the chapter summary at the end of the chapter, glossary of terms and maybe questions. This can give you a framework of what the chapter is about.
- Skim through the subheadings, boldface print, and pictures. This can build on the framework you created in (1).
- Now when reading feel free to highlight, underline, write, doodle, fidget while reading.
- Make sure you have pens and highlighters of many different colors.
- Color code your highlighting and pens. To keep it fresh change color coding every chapter. Color coding helps with distinguishing between key information from details. For important/key material consider marking it with your favorite color.
- Take frequent breaks, especially with dense material.
- Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat a high protein snack or meal.
- Feel free to move around, experiment with white noise and different environments.
- Libraries or quiet environments aren't for everyone. Some people do better in coffee shops, restaurants, or at the park.
- feel free to turn the TV, listen to music, turn on a fan/air conditioner or white noise machines/tapes.
- For terms, formulas and key concepts consider having a stack of multicolored index cards to write down.
- If you take medication for ADHD and/or drink caffeinated beverages, be sure that they are in your system.
- Sticky notes are great for marking important information and can also signal where you left off. This makes starting up after a break easier and helps you quickly refer back important material.